Baby Snow Dragon by Marjorie Jones 2
Project info
Made September 2009
Name: DADA SEPT 2009
Pattern: Baby Snow Dragon by Marjorie Jones
Craft: Crochet
Hooks & yarn
Hook: 4.0 mm (G)
Yarn: Pisgah Yarn & Dyeing Co. Peaches & Creme Ombres
Purchased at: MICHAEL'S
Over this past Summer my family was traveling in the Swiss Alps, taking in the breath taking Beauty and inspiring sunsets, it was one of the best vacations we have ever gone on. And the most exciting!
Three days before our trip was to end, my brother and I decided to go for an early morning hike, the sun hadn’t even come up yet, our goal was to reach a high cliff, that from below resembled a dragons long neck and head and watch the sun rise from there. We had even brought a thermos full of hot coco and PBJ sandwiches!
It was a bit chilly even though it was summer, we where in the Alps and the sun hadn't come up yet, so we could actually see our breath as we began to get rather high up on the cliff. As the slight glow from the rising sun outlined the cliff ahead we thought we could see little puffs of breath from other early morning hikers and we where a bit bummed that we would have company at the top. We carefully listened for voices, hoping that the other hikers would at least be friendly and cheerful.
Instead we heard small curious noises that sounded a bit like a large dog sniffing about. Curious about what we would find, we pushed on, the ground was hard, but small pebbles made the climb a bit dangerous, one slip and we would find ourselves tumbling back down the steep path we had been following.
As we where about to turn the last corner I felt a sudden rush of warm air, and saw a jet of fire blow out of what appeared to be a cave near our destination. My brother in surprise yelled out, “What are they doing using a torch to start a fire for?!”
I thought maybe the other hikers wanted a warm breakfast and they got a little happy with lighter fluid!
As we stepped out onto the cliff we made as little noise as possible to disturb the other hikers who where evidentially roasting something that smelled rather delicious in the cave set into the mountain. We found a nice pile of rocks to sit down on and started to pull out our sandwiches and I got the camera ready to take some breath taking pictures. Suddenly the cliff seemed to shake and we clutched at the rocks fearing that the cliff was about to detach its self from the mountain face. My brother pointed at the cave and said “Look!” A huge silvery blue Swedish Short snout came rumbling out of the cave we had thought occupied by hikers! Unbelievably it didn't seems to notice us, took flight and flew off to the west, away from the rising sun. I quickly grabbed my camera but the dragon was to fast, it weaved around a mountain peak and was gone from view!
Trembling we stared into the distance where it had disappeared when we heard that strange sniffing sound like a large dog again. We twirled on the spot to find a large dog sized baby dragon sniffing at the mouth of the cave and looking curiously at us!
He was very cute and quite particular because he had a pouch on his belly! I’d never heard of a dragon with a pouch! Even though he was cute, he was still big enough to roast us and eat us, I didn't want to take any chances. I wiped out my wand and used Impedimenta on the baby dragon just incase it decided to see what we tasted like. We grabbed our gear and took off for the path.
After running several yards we looked back at the cliff and the baby dragon was simply sitting on the edge watching us make our way down, I decided to chance taking a few quick pictures since it didn't seem inclined

to follow us. I all so wanted to hurry incase mommy dragon came back, but we needed prof that we had seen a dragon, or no one would ever believe we had seen one so close to civilization!
