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Made June 201
Pelargonium by Lesley Stanfield
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Hooks & yarn
Gjestal Baby-Bomull
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5 Reasons to Say "NO" to Individual Mandate The U.S. House's H.R. 3200 and Sen. Ted Kennedy's "Affordable Health Choices" reform bill have a mandate that all citizens purchase health insurance...and a financial penalty for failure to comply. Even though this provision will secure a federal takeover of health care, many conservatives appear ready to accept the mandate. Congress is in recess. Talk to those who represent you. Explain the following 5 dangers of the proposed federal mandate requiring individuals to purchase insurance: Unconstitutional - A federal mandate on individuals to purchase insurance is unconstitutional. It's not only a violation of individual rights related to the right to and control over personal property (income), it's also a violation of the Tenth Amendment which limits federal powers to only those included in the U.S. Constitution. All other powers belong to the States. Federal Takeover of Health Care - If Congress mandates t...
By Peter Ferrara on 9.16.09 @ 6:08AM President Obama told the nation last Wednesday night: Some of people's concerns have grown out of bogus claims spread by those whose only agenda is to kill reform at any cost. The best example is the claim made not just by radio and cable talk show hosts, but by prominent politicians, that we plan to set up panels of bureaucrats with the power to kill off senior citizens. Now such a charge would be laughable if it weren't so cynical and irresponsible. It's a lie, plain and simple. The prominent politician who first complained about the death panels in the Obama health plan was Sarah Palin. Later on CNN, White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs was asked, "You pull out the dictionary, and the person who tells a lie is a liar. Does the President think Sarah Palin is a liar?" Gibbs answered: I think that for whatever reason despite many media outlets saying what Sarah Palin said was untrue, she continued to say it. I'll let We...
January 5, 2010, - 11:17 am Dearbornistan Muslim Arab Students’ Sweatshirts Glorify 9/11 By Debbie Schlussel **** UPDATE, 01/06/10: Told Ya So: Arab Muslim Students Admit Sweatshirts Were Belligerence About 9/11, Flight 253 **** As I have told you over and over again, despite their declared “condemnations” of the 9/11 attacks, Muslims all over America praised and cheered the mass murder of nearly 3,000 Americans. Last week, I told you about how four Muslim Arab employees cheered at a Ford engineering plant high-fived, cheered, and laughed at the 9/11 attacks, and got to keep their jobs for three years thereafter. This week, it’s fifteen Arab Muslim students at Dearbornistan’s Edsel Ford High School. They made sweatshirts glorifying the 9/11 attacks, depicting the twin towers with a plane about to fly into it. “Religion of Peace,” indeed. It’s disgusting, but it’s the way of life in Dearbornistan and–soon–your neck of the woods (and, actually, already there). Watch the video. In c...