Potions September 2009

Project info Made September 2009 Name: Potions September 2009 Pattern: Flame On by Jessy Henderson Craft: Knitting Made for: My Dad Needles & yarn Needle: US 5 - 3.75 mm Yarn: Plymouth Yarn Encore Worsted Solids & Heathers Purchased at: Borealis Yarns in St. Paul, Minnesota Purchase date: September 9, 2009 Notes My Dad has a hard time sitting still, and stay’s outside year round as much as possible taking care of their old farm house and his motor cycle. He even built his new garage with a furnace in it; he spends so much time outside in the winter! So I decide to use the Pepper up potion and alter it a bit to make this super HOT flame hat! It will keep his head warm and cozy all winter long!


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