A great find!

The "New" Knitting Needle of the Month Club
We had so much fun with the 2008 -2009 Needle of the Month Club
that we have decided to start a new, slightly different, club!
I think many of you will be very pleased with this new offering!
It was exciting and challenging last year to try new “exotic” woods to present to the
club members. But now Sam has chosen his favorite woods to work with and
I have chosen my favorite needles to use! We are now presenting
them to you on this web site.
Our new Needle of the Month Club is this:
* You pick the wood
* You pick the length
* You pick the sizes
* You pick the duration.
You may have all one wood
we will also send out Sam’s choice of needles for the month
to those of you who were not able to join 2008 - 2009 NOM club,
and would like to try new woods. (In other words, you
won’t know what wood or size, you will be receiving until it
actually shows up in your mail box!)
* The sizes will be between Size 4 through size 11.
* We will be offering 6 month and 8 month memberships!
* Shipping and handling will be included in the price of the memberships.
Another feature of this new club is:
* You can start anytime!
We are going to offer this NOM club continually! Forever!
And as with the 2008-2009 club you can pay immediately the full price or if you
would prefer monthly billing on PayPal or Credit Card, just call or e-mail, and we will
get you set up!
The Ebony, King wood and Tulip wood memberships will be:
Six Month, 10” length $156.00
Eight Month, 10” length $208.00
Six Month, 14” length $162.00
Eight Month, 14” length $216.00
The Maple, Bocote, Cardinal, Cocobola, Zebra, Holly, Red heart, and Bolivian Rosewood.
Six Month, 10” length $138.00
Eight Month, 10” length $184.00
Six Month, 14” length $144.00
Eight Month, 14” length $192.00