What You Can Do Right Now
Submitted by admin on Thu, 05/14/2009 - 22:34
Learn all you can, become part of our team and spread the word. Help us stop government controlled health care.

By joining Patients United Now, you can add your voice against a Washington takeover of your family’s health care, and support real health care choices for every American.

We are people just like you. We went to D.C. with questions about “reform”--- because we all favor policies which keep insurance costs down and help those patients with pre-existing conditions get coverage. Buying “care insurance” should be like buying car insurance: flexible, transparent and simple. We support health care for the poor through Medicaid.

But what we found SHOCKED US: Radical solutions. Discussions behind closed doors. Patients like us NOT included, just big companies, lobbyists, unions and politicians.

For many in D.C. cutting costs means CUTTING CARE----your care.

Already law: FEDERAL computer control of YOUR RECORDS and doctor by 2014. A federal board already set up whose recommendations could be used to delay or deny treatments for Medicare /Medicaid patients

Policies Being Discussed: TAKE AWAY YOUR PRIVATE CARE and average costs over everyone----one massive Washington plan. Other countries with government health care have waiting lines and deny care based on cost, age and life expectancy.

Real reform should focus like a laser on the problems that exist, not ration care for the elderly, invade our privacy or put us into a one-size-fits-all government-controlled plan. We support the Hippocratic Oath, the doctor patient relationship and freedom.

We invite YOU to Join Us!

Learn all you can,

Help us get the word out, and Protect those you love from some bad ideas.

Together We can Make a Difference


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