Republican Chart Outlines House Democrats’ Government Takeover of Health Care

Rep. Kevin Brady: “This chart identifies 31 new federal programs, agencies, commissions, and mandates that will be in between patients and … their doctor.”

Washington, Jul 15 - House Republicans, led by Rep. Kevin Brady (R-TX) and House Republicans on the Joint Economic Committee (JEC), today outlined a chart detailing the bureaucratic nightmare of the House Democrats’ health care plan. The chart, which Brady detailed in a presentation to GOP leaders today, identifies at least 31 new federal programs, agencies, commissions and mandates that accompany the unprecedented government takeover of health care in America. House Republican Leader John Boehner (R-OH) issued the following statement today:

“This chart depicts the health care nightmare that House Democrats have planned for families and small businesses. This isn’t reform; it’s a recipe for disaster that will lead to higher health care costs, lower quality, rationed care, and bureaucrats making medical decisions instead of doctors and patients. Families shouldn’t have to answer to shadowy Washington bureaucrats when they’re seeking health care treatments for themselves and their loved ones.

“If this isn’t bad enough, this new maze of government bureaucracy will be funded by a new small business tax that will cost more American jobs. During a time of economic recession, the last thing Congress should be doing is punishing small businesses that create a majority of the jobs in this country. If Democrats are serious about job creation and real health care reform, they’ll scrap this plan and start working with House Republicans on solutions the American people want. Republicans have offered a plan to reduce costs and expand Americans’ access to quality care – without a small business tax. I want to thank Rep. Brady and House Republicans on the Joint Economic Committee for their work in exposing the truth about what the Democrats’ plan means for families and small businesses.”

NOTE: Republicans on the Joint Economic Committee, led by Rep. Kevin Brady (R-TX), developed the following chart to expose the truth about the Democrats’ health care plan to the American people. The chart is below and also linked here:


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