Take back Medicine

PHYSICIANS: Make your voices heard!
Physicians have stood on sidelines too long as you have watched your control over the practice of medicine taken over by politicians, insurance companies and regulators – people who have never laid a hand on a sick patient, explained to a sobbing child why she needs a “shot,” or made split-second life-or-death decisions.

They’ve never know what it’s like to have to make a decision whether to “break the rules” or do what’s best for your patient in spite of the rules.

For too long, doctors have been carrying the burden of a scheme that increasingly leaves you out of the decision-making process, and tells you that your first responsibility is to the government or insurance company, rather than your real clients, your patients.

The country is looking for physicians to take the lead in the current debate on health care reform. It’s become clear that big organized medicine isn’t truly representing you and your patients.

There are tens of thousands of doctors who feel the same way you do.

It’s time to make your voice heard loud and clear.

TAKE ACTION NOW: http://www.takebackmedicine.com/action-center/

Action Center
Monday, June 22, 2009 at 07:38PM

We need your signatures on the “Take Back Medicine Statement of Principles,” and your comments and stories.

We are using them to tell your stories across the country and working with more than 150 other groups in a coalition that is battling the expansion of government control over medicine. Here’s what we’re doing:

Meet with key Congressional offices every day
Interview on television, radio, magazine, bloggers and websites.
Organizing doctors to speak at more than 1000 Tea Parties & Rallies on July 4 and July 17.
Holding a virtual National Physician Summit/Town Meeting on June 25, and making your stories available to listeners live and later on the website.


SIGN the "Take Back Medicine" Petition to Congress
DISTRIBUTE PATIENT education materials
TELL COLLEAGUES and ask them to sign the statement
SPEAK: national tea party, community events, reporters
TELL YOUR STORY we’re collecting stories about medicine


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