
Showing posts from July, 2009

Iowa woman has seen enough of Obama

Iowa woman has seen enough of Obama Buzz up!Like this story? Share it with Yahoo! Buzz A 78-year-old Iowa woman is so tired of seeing President Obama on TV that she is selling her TV sets, the Daily Times Herald in Carroll reports. Deloris Nissen of Carroll claims in a $5.50 classified ad she placed in the paper that she is selling two TVs because she is tired of seeing "Obama on every channel and station." The retired nurses' aide told the newspaper she could accept seeing Obama on TV from time to time, but that she believes he is overexposed. "I thought, my gosh, does he ever stay at the White House?" said Nissen, who added that she changes the channel whenever Obama appears. "I have the remote real handy. I have the batteries. I'm ready for him." Nissen, who said she voted for GOP candidate Sen. John McCain in November, told the Daily Times Herald she is not worried about criticism. "I'm an old lady, and I don't care," she ...

I love these avitars


Looks so good! Yummy!

If I knew for sure my husband wouldnt officially call me insane, I would request this cake for my Birthday next year!

I need to make myself a cool witch outfit...


Why Obama's Team needs to do more research.

The Oil Shortage Hoax By Ben Stein on 7.29.09 @ 8:56AM There was a staggeringly important article on the front page of the Wall Street Journal on Tuesday. Briefly, it said that the immense run up in oil prices in 2008, from roughly $33 a barrel to roughly $150 per barrel was not caused by an oil shortage, was not caused by an immense upsurge in demand from China and India and Brazil, not caused by bandits in Nigeria. This finding was from President Obama's Commodity Futures Trading Commission, hardly a mouthpiece of Big Oil. The staggering 2008 run up in price, which beggared hundreds of millions of people throughout the world, was caused by the sinister machinations of a few dozen oil traders and speculators in the commodity pits and lush offices of hedge funds and investment banks. (Think Goldman, Sachs at its worst.) The shortage, which terrified innocent people and literally killed the U.S. automotive industry, made a few dozen or maybe a few hundred people very rich. It also m...

What the hell are these people up too?


Ben Stein Knows what he's talking about.

We've Figured Him Out By Ben Stein on 7.24.09 @ 9:45AM Why is President Barack Obama in such a hurry to get his socialized medicine bill passed? Because he and his cunning circle realize some basic truths: The American people in their unimaginable kindness and trust voted for a pig in a poke in 2008. They wanted so much to believe Barack Obama was somehow better and different from other ultra-leftists that they simply took him on faith. They ignored his anti-white writings in his books. They ignored his quiet acceptance of hysterical anti-American diatribes by his minister, Jeremiah Wright. They ignored his refusal to explain years at a time of his life as a student. They ignored his ultra-left record as a "community organizer," Illinois state legislator, and Senator. The American people ignored his total zero of an academic record as a student and teacher, his complete lack of scholarship when he was being touted as a scholar. Now, the American people are starting to wak...

Protect America Month


Roberts takes first step in run for Iowa governor

Associated Press - July 21, 2009 1:54 PM ET DES MOINES, Iowa (AP) - State Rep. Rod Roberts says he is exploring a possible run for Iowa governor and that if elected he will push for a constitutional amendment to ban gay marriage in Iowa. The 51-year-old Carroll Republican announced his plans Tuesday, saying he filed the necessary paperwork with the Iowa Ethics and Campaign Disclosure Board to create an exploratory committee as he considers a run for governor. Roberts describes himself as a fiscal conservative, anti-abortion candidate who believes that marriage should be between one man and one woman. He says as governor he would work for strong public schools, improved transportation, public safety and a clean environment. If he opts to run, he'll face a crowded Republican field vying to challenge Democratic Gov. Chet Culver. Copyright 2009 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.


DES MOINES, Iowa-- A new federal ruling literally puts Iowa on the map as part of the largest wine region in the entire country. It could help the state's economy by bringing in wine-loving tourists. The Jasper Winery near Waterworks Park in Des Moines is one more reason the Midwest may soon be the biggest wine region in the country. "We're kind of riding the wave of people wanting to drink wine and support their local winery," said Jasper Winery's Mason Groben. Groben said business is booming at the family business and it may get even better thanks to a new federal ruling. It creates America's biggest wine region, called the Upper Mississippi River Valley. When you think wine country, the Napa Valley in California comes to mind. It's about 759 square miles. The new Mississippi River Valley Wine Region is nearly 30,000 square miles, 39 times the size of Napa Valley. That's big news for Midwestern wine makers. "The wine from that area has chara...

More reasons to not have Universal Health Care

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dear Friends, Here is more fodder for your phone calls to Congress. As she did so well unveiling HillaryCare in 1993, Betsy McCaughey, former Lt. Gov. of New York, does again with the proposed national health care (socialized medicine) legislation pending in Congress. As usual, she throws in the pages of the bills for your verification. NOTE: There is no limit on what you'll have to pay to actually purchase the "federally qualified" health insurance you'll be forced by government to buy. Consider that the legislation also, according to other sources, creates unlimited mental health benefits (parity - House Bill, page 23) for all health insurance plans, whether you want to pay for those services or not. Do not miss paragraphs 9 and 11. Twila Brase President Citizens' Council on Health Care 651-646-8935 office P.S. Ms. McCaughey's statement about the U.S. being NUMBER ONE in patient...

Freedom Foundation of Minnesota's Health Care Event

Learn the Facts About Washington's Health Care Plans Before It's Too Late! Featuring Regina E. Herzlinger, Ph.D. Professor of Business Administration at the Harvard Business School and Senior Fellow at the Manhattan Institute for Medical Progress Tuesday, July 28 The Minneapolis Marriott Southwest 5801 Opus Parkway Minnetonka, Minnesota 55343 6:30 pm Registration 7:00-7:45 Dr. Regina Herzlinger will share her thoughts on "How the New Washington Health Care Proposals Will Affect Your Business and Your Family" 7:45 Questions from the audience 8:30 Coffee and Dessert Reception Tickets are $10 per person if you register by Friday, July 24th, or $15 per person at the door. To register for the event go to: If you have any questions, please e-mail Christina Pajak or call her at 612-354-2160. We hope you can join us for an exciting and info...

Retired general, lieutenant colonel join reservistâ€Â™s lawsuit over Obama's birth status - News -

Retired general, lieutenant colonel join reservistâ€Â™s lawsuit over Obama's birth status - News - Shared via AddThis


What You Can Do Right Now Submitted by admin on Thu, 05/14/2009 - 22:34 Learn all you can, become part of our team and spread the word. Help us stop government controlled health care. By joining Patients United Now, you can add your voice against a Washington takeover of your family’s health care, and support real health care choices for every American. We are people just like you. We went to D.C. with questions about “reform”--- because we all favor policies which keep insurance costs down and help those patients with pre-existing conditions get coverage. Buying “care insurance” should be like buying car insurance: flexible, transparent and simple. We support health care for the poor through Medicaid. But what we found SHOCKED US: Radical solutions. Discussions behind closed doors. Patients like us NOT included, just big companies, lobbyists, unions and politicians. For many in D.C. cutting costs means CUTTING CARE----your care. Already law: FEDERAL computer control of...

Republican Chart Outlines House Democrats’ Government Takeover of Health Care

Rep. Kevin Brady: “This chart identifies 31 new federal programs, agencies, commissions, and mandates that will be in between patients and … their doctor.” Washington, Jul 15 - House Republicans, led by Rep. Kevin Brady (R-TX) and House Republicans on the Joint Economic Committee (JEC), today outlined a chart detailing the bureaucratic nightmare of the House Democrats’ health care plan. The chart, which Brady detailed in a presentation to GOP leaders today, identifies at least 31 new federal programs, agencies, commissions and mandates that accompany the unprecedented government takeover of health care in America. House Republican Leader John Boehner (R-OH) issued the following statement today: “This chart depicts the health care nightmare that House Democrats have planned for families and small businesses. This isn’t reform; it’s a recipe for disaster that will lead to higher health care costs, lower quality, rationed care, and bureaucrats making medical decisions instead of doctor...

Take back Medicine

PHYSICIANS: Make your voices heard! Physicians have stood on sidelines too long as you have watched your control over the practice of medicine taken over by politicians, insurance companies and regulators – people who have never laid a hand on a sick patient, explained to a sobbing child why she needs a “shot,” or made split-second life-or-death decisions. They’ve never know what it’s like to have to make a decision whether to “break the rules” or do what’s best for your patient in spite of the rules. For too long, doctors have been carrying the burden of a scheme that increasingly leaves you out of the decision-making process, and tells you that your first responsibility is to the government or insurance company, rather than your real clients, your patients. The country is looking for physicians to take the lead in the current debate on health care reform. It’s become clear that big organized medicine isn’t truly representing you and your patients. There are tens of thousands of ...

Sign the Petition

To sign click here:

House Armed Services Committee Says No to Missile Defense Interceptors

Posted June 16th, 2009 at 4.11pm in Protect America. Today, the House Armed Services Committee was marking up the FY 2010 budget for the Defense Department. The liveliest debate was over Congressman Turner’s (R-OH) amendment to re-insert $120 million to fund the remaining 14 ground-based interceptors. For the past several years, the plan was to have 44 interceptors dispersed among California and Alaska bases. As of right now, we have 30. Because the House Armed Services Committee rejected Congressman Turner’s amendment, the Department of Defense will stop any further deployment of the 14 interceptors. Defense Secretary Gates spurred the decision when he said that the current number of interceptors (30) is sufficient to protect against the North Korean threat. The same Secretary Gates who budgeted for and approved the construction of 44 interceptors the year before. Over the past year, the threat has increased, so why would it be sensible to reduce the number of planned interceptors f...



Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince!


Aran Heirloom Blanket - Interweave

Aran Heirloom Blanket - Interweave Shared via AddThis

HURT - IWP Compendium of Finishing Techniques - Interweave

HURT - IWP Compendium of Finishing Techniques - Interweave Shared via AddThis

Harry Potter -

Harry Potter - Shared via AddThis

Harry Potter -

Harry Potter - Shared via AddThis

Harry Potter -

Harry Potter - Shared via AddThis

A picture is worth a thousand words


Baby Dragon So Cute!!!!

Crochet baby Dragon for a friend expecting a baby soon!

So Cool! Find your wand!

New party chairman says Republicans feel robbed | Polinaut | Minnesota Public Radio

New party chairman says Republicans feel robbed | Polinaut | Minnesota Public Radio Shared via AddThis

Would ya look at that!

Thanks Obama!!!!


Made this for my Cousin who is expecting, its lavender scented too!

He said What?

Obama's health plan not good enough for his family: "[If] it's my family member, if it's my wife, if it's my children, if it's my grandmother, I always want them to get the very best care." --Barack Obama **"Oopsie! So ObamaCare for thee, but not for me? Hope and change, baby!" --blogger Ed Morrissey

I cant wait for the movie to come out!!!

July 15th can't come fast enough! I know this is an old picture, but I loved it and wanted to post it!