To cancel or not to cancle

Hi! I am very excited about meeting new knitters Tuesday! But alas, my husband seems to think I should cancel the meeting because of the inauguration, I am not sure if people will show up to knit, or if they will be glued to the TV to witness the extreme "Hollywood" performances for Mr. Obama taking office. I honestly wish him the best and I hope to GOD he can do good for our country and that he will have a strong backbone if some terrorist group decide to attack us instead of offering them cookies and milk and sharing our country openly with them. But I had no intensions of actually watching the parade of glitz and I don't even know what to call it, I just know I am sick of it all ready and cant wait for the guy to actually get to work and do something and prove me wrong if he can. I know its historical, but I just feel its become extremely gaudy and overdone, and should be muted as much as possible before I start puking rainbows or something!
So PLEASE give me your feed back, are you planning on showing up Tuesday, or will you be glued to the TV like all the Obama fanatics who couldn't get a coveted ticket?
It is history, so I will not hold it against anyone who does stay home.


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