I'm starting my own knitting group!

Welcome all knitters beginning to advanced! Conservative to liberal, to no political views at all, I really dont care what your oppinions are as long as we all act like respecting adults and discuss issues in a polite and causal way! I want to start this group because the one I currently attend is very heavy with liberal views and I am pretty sure no one cares one bit that I have conservative views, I am sick of listening to how stupid conservatives are, even though all the women are very kind, funny and succseful, they are very unopen minded. So with that in mind I am going to be at Nina's on Selby Ave in St. Paul near the Cathedral at 6:30 pm on December 2, 2008 till when ever to knit, chat, and meet new people! Please come with a smile and a friend if you wish!
If you have any questions feel free to email me!