A Call for Help in Service Project
I am a big supporter of our troops and I wanted to pass this along from the Heartstrings Fibber Arts website!
Becky Washburn (mailto:beckyknits@comcast.net?subject=Engineer) is in need of helpers for a special service project. She writes ...
Thank you very much for the free Mini-Sock pattern. It's very generous of you.
My goal is to knit 850 of them for a very special Engineer Battalion currently deployed in the far out regions of Iraq for Christmas. At least 1/2 of these young men receive no mail or any sign of life from home. More of them than you would think don't get any mail at all. And a small token would mean the world to them. Do you think anyone would be willing to help me? I have a few done but a long way to go. And I know that Christmas will be particularly bleak. I am a friend of their Chaplain and I want them to each have something personal for Christmas, stuffed with a little something.
I have some sport weight and some worsted weight, I just want them to be colorful. They took a picture for me out one of the windows, and all there is for all the distance you can see, is SAND, and MORE SAND.
The mini-socks only have to hold a pack of gum, a couple pieced of candies and a candy cane. The candy cane will be added by the chaplain, from boxes sent, so they don't all break.
I was using the Magic 28 pattern on a larger needle, but I'm using your Mini-sock pattern with worsted weight yarn instead and a larger needle, so they are a bit bigger, and relaxed to fit some fillings. But still small enough.
I hope that I can knit fast. If you know of anyone wishing to help, I would be grateful.
Mini Sock
Learn to Knit a Sock – Complimentary gift pattern from HeartStrings and Jackie E-S
The pattern for Mini Sock is truly a sock, but on a miniature scale! Great for learning the basic techniques of sock making with just a small investment in time and materials. And you only need to make one (instead of a pair) to be ready to put your finished project to good use as a decoration, gift tag, etc. Go to http://www.heartstringsfiberarts.com/minisock.shtm to download the file.
Also fun to make,
Mini Sweater Pattern
© 1996, 2000 Jackie Erickson-Schweitzer. This pattern is intended for personal use only. It may be freely distributed for non-commercial purposes only, as long as distributed in its entirety including copyright notice and origination. No sale of finished products from this pattern is allowed without express permission with licensing agreement.

Becky Washburn (mailto:beckyknits@comcast.net?subject=Engineer) is in need of helpers for a special service project. She writes ...
Thank you very much for the free Mini-Sock pattern. It's very generous of you.
My goal is to knit 850 of them for a very special Engineer Battalion currently deployed in the far out regions of Iraq for Christmas. At least 1/2 of these young men receive no mail or any sign of life from home. More of them than you would think don't get any mail at all. And a small token would mean the world to them. Do you think anyone would be willing to help me? I have a few done but a long way to go. And I know that Christmas will be particularly bleak. I am a friend of their Chaplain and I want them to each have something personal for Christmas, stuffed with a little something.
I have some sport weight and some worsted weight, I just want them to be colorful. They took a picture for me out one of the windows, and all there is for all the distance you can see, is SAND, and MORE SAND.
The mini-socks only have to hold a pack of gum, a couple pieced of candies and a candy cane. The candy cane will be added by the chaplain, from boxes sent, so they don't all break.
I was using the Magic 28 pattern on a larger needle, but I'm using your Mini-sock pattern with worsted weight yarn instead and a larger needle, so they are a bit bigger, and relaxed to fit some fillings. But still small enough.
I hope that I can knit fast. If you know of anyone wishing to help, I would be grateful.
Mini Sock
Learn to Knit a Sock – Complimentary gift pattern from HeartStrings and Jackie E-S
The pattern for Mini Sock is truly a sock, but on a miniature scale! Great for learning the basic techniques of sock making with just a small investment in time and materials. And you only need to make one (instead of a pair) to be ready to put your finished project to good use as a decoration, gift tag, etc. Go to http://www.heartstringsfiberarts.com/minisock.shtm to download the file.
Also fun to make,
Mini Sweater Pattern
Note: To print this pattern, set your printer to landscape mode.
This little sweater is knit from the top-down and is almost seamless. A collection of small lengths of different yarns is an excellent choice for easy one-of-a-kind results — a great way to use those workshop or goodie bag samples. If using different yarns, you can plan ahead on color or texture placement based on the order the parts of the sweater are knit (i.e. neckband and yoke, each sleeve, then body.). Some choices are light to dark, dark to light, mixture of smooth and textured, or whatever. Or just use the yarns in a serendipitous fashion, letting the colors and textures fall where they may! go to this link for the Pattern!
This little sweater is knit from the top-down and is almost seamless. A collection of small lengths of different yarns is an excellent choice for easy one-of-a-kind results — a great way to use those workshop or goodie bag samples. If using different yarns, you can plan ahead on color or texture placement based on the order the parts of the sweater are knit (i.e. neckband and yoke, each sleeve, then body.). Some choices are light to dark, dark to light, mixture of smooth and textured, or whatever. Or just use the yarns in a serendipitous fashion, letting the colors and textures fall where they may! go to this link for the Pattern!
© 1996, 2000 Jackie Erickson-Schweitzer. This pattern is intended for personal use only. It may be freely distributed for non-commercial purposes only, as long as distributed in its entirety including copyright notice and origination. No sale of finished products from this pattern is allowed without express permission with licensing agreement.