A Call for Help in Service Project

I am a big supporter of our troops and I wanted to pass this along from the Heartstrings Fibber Arts website! Becky Washburn ( mailto:beckyknits@comcast.net?subject=Engineer ) is in need of helpers for a special service project. She writes ... Thank you very much for the free Mini-Sock pattern . It's very generous of you. My goal is to knit 850 of them for a very special Engineer Battalion currently deployed in the far out regions of Iraq for Christmas. At least 1/2 of these young men receive no mail or any sign of life from home. More of them than you would think don't get any mail at all. And a small token would mean the world to them. Do you think anyone would be willing to help me? I have a few done but a long way to go. And I know that Christmas will be particularly bleak. I am a friend of their Chaplain and I want them to each have something personal for Christmas, stuffed with a little something. I have some sport weight and some worsted weight, I just want them to be co...