Charity Spotlight: Knits for Iowa
Thursday July 24, 2008
There's a soft spot in my heart for Iowa, since I was born there, but this is a charity knitting drive I think anyone, anywhere could get behind.Cottage Creations of Carpenter, Iowa, is collecting knit items to be distributed to families who lost their homes in the recent flooding in Iowa and a tornado that hit Parkersburg around the same time. In particular, they're looking for the following items:
prayer shawls
baby blankets
infants, children’s and adult sweatersItems will be accepted until November 1 and may be mailed to:Cottage CreationsAt the Farm on Deer CreekCarpenter, Iowa 50462or, if using a delivery service (UPS, FedEx):Carol Anderson4562 Zinnia Ave.St. Ansgar, IA 50472Carol asks that knitters also include a card with the name of the item and size, if applicable, as well as fiber content and, if desired, your name and any words of encouragement you'd like to send to the people of Iowa. She also suggests that items be machine washable and dryable whenever possible.For more information, check out her full note posted over at Nature Knitter. I'm sure the people of Iowa thank you for thinking of them.
Thursday July 24, 2008
There's a soft spot in my heart for Iowa, since I was born there, but this is a charity knitting drive I think anyone, anywhere could get behind.Cottage Creations of Carpenter, Iowa, is collecting knit items to be distributed to families who lost their homes in the recent flooding in Iowa and a tornado that hit Parkersburg around the same time. In particular, they're looking for the following items:
prayer shawls
baby blankets
infants, children’s and adult sweatersItems will be accepted until November 1 and may be mailed to:Cottage CreationsAt the Farm on Deer CreekCarpenter, Iowa 50462or, if using a delivery service (UPS, FedEx):Carol Anderson4562 Zinnia Ave.St. Ansgar, IA 50472Carol asks that knitters also include a card with the name of the item and size, if applicable, as well as fiber content and, if desired, your name and any words of encouragement you'd like to send to the people of Iowa. She also suggests that items be machine washable and dryable whenever possible.For more information, check out her full note posted over at Nature Knitter. I'm sure the people of Iowa thank you for thinking of them.