
Showing posts from June, 2009

Thank You to those Men and Women who serve in the Military

"I am in awe at what our military has accomplished in Iraq despite having most of the public and the vast majority of the media totally abandon them. In my view, what has been accomplished there, against all odds, is perhaps the greatest achievement in the history of our military and perhaps any volunteer force in modern times. I certainly love my country, but what it is that inspires men and women to volunteer for military service when the benefits are so sparse and the burdens so great is beyond my comprehension. We are all incredibly lucky to live in a nation that, despite all of its faults, still have enough courageous young people to serve it in ways that allow 'chicken hawks' (as the Left loves to describe conservative commentators who never served in the military) to worry about things that in comparison don't seem all that significant. Thank you for all you do for us. I wish we appreciated you in a way that was nearly as significant as what you deserve." -...

I'm finally done!

6/28/09 I have finally finished!!! It only took me a year, and the bag looks nothing like the Laurel Summer bag, it is now dubed the Shelly Summer Bag! The only thing that I actually used from the original pattern is the cast on numbers and I had the correct number when I casted off! Otherwise, I did a completly different pattern for the body and the strap is one long cable! 6/1/09 Ok, I started, stopped, started, stopped and now have picked this bag up again and have to finish before the end of June 2009 to recieve full points for Gryffindor in DADA Spring 2009! I need to get knitting! some time in 2008 This project has gone onto the back burner until spring! 6/08 I didnt like the way the pattern on the body looked, so I ripped back to the seam and I am doing a small rippled cable pattern. And I am loving it! I should have this bag done soon! This project has gone onto the back burner until spring!

Tiny Teddy Bear

I knit this very cute little teddy bear for my co-worker Heather who is going to have a baby girl any day now!

Ladylike Gloves - Knitting Daily

Ladylike Gloves - Knitting Daily Shared via AddThis

Winter Twilight Mitts - Knitting Daily

Winter Twilight Mitts - Knitting Daily Shared via AddThis

Sweet Hex Child̢۪s Hood - Knitting Daily

Sweet Hex Child̢۪s Hood - Knitting Daily Shared via AddThis

Lace Nightie - Knitting Daily

Lace Nightie - Knitting Daily Shared via AddThis

Projection: It'll be years before jobs return to much of U.S. | McClatchy

Projection: It'll be years before jobs return to much of U.S. | McClatchy Shared via AddThis

Illusion Knitting

Finished my Illusion Witches Hat for Charms June 2009 Class! So much fun I have decided to make an entire illusion blanket using Holloween colors and patterns, will post squares as they get done!

A friend in need

Here is the posting on Craig's List My friend Aaron has a nice place for rent in Minneapolis, MN, if you or anyone you know needs a nice place to rent, please check it out and contact him as soon as possilbe! Thanks

Beautiful free crochet lace scarf pattern

Go to:

Celebrate Burt Day!

Which Ewe Are You?

go to:, to find out Which Ewe are you!