
Showing posts from September, 2008


GO TO Behind the Housing Crash: Confessions from an Insider (Paperback) Editorial Reviews Product Description“Behind the Housing Crash – Confessions from an Insider” is the authoritative book on the housing crisis. It is an expose written by Aaron Clarey, a credit analyst who worked at various banks in the Twin Cities and saw first hand the unethical, if not, illegal dealings that led up to the housing bubble and subsequent crash. Stories of commission-addicted bankers, bribed appraisers, FBI investigations, IRS raids, offshore bank accounts and more regale the reader with a blood-boiling story of corruption, incompetence and limitless greed. However, the book goes beyond exposing those responsible for the housing crash, and does an exemplary job of explaining, in clear and simple language, the economics behind the housing crisis and the consequences...

Charity Spotlight: The Big Knit

Innocent Drinks - award winning cause related marketing Innocent have partnered with Age Concern since 2004 on an innovative Cause Related Marketing campaign called The Big Knit. The project involves older people from Age Concerns around the UK, innocent consumers and Sainsbury's staff knitting little woolly hats to place on the top of innocent smoothie bottles. The bottles are then sold in Sainsbury's and for every one sold 50p goes to Age Concern to help keep older people warm at winter. This year we smashed the target with a total of 400,720 hats being knitted and a total £200,360 being raised. We are thrilled at the level of support from around the country. Thank you to everyone who took part and helped us to hit this massive target. Celebrities also got involved by designing hats, as you can see from the photo that Chris Tarrant designed a fish themed hat which was kindly knitted into a full sized version by some very nifty knitters at Age Concern Surrey. What sets this ca...