Knitting Knockers

Knitting Knockers for Breast Cancer Awareness Saturday August 23, 2008 Knit breasts, courtesy of the Knitting Experience Cafe.My pal Pam Stephan over at About's breast cancer site just let me know about the Boob-a-thon happening at The Knitting Experience Cafe , a shop in Brunswick, Maine.The shop is run by a breast cancer survivor who was given a knit breast as a gift. Since 2007 the shop has been collecting knit prostheses to give to other breast cancer survivors. The shop's efforts were recently featured on WABI television news, which got picked up by CNN Headline News, and the "Boob-a-thon" continues through the end of the month.Chesley, the shop's owner, tells me they accept knit breasts throughout the year, not just in August, but people who drop them by the shop this month will be registered for prizes.She says they accept donations by mail, too, and anyone wanting to be in on the contest needs to include their name and address. If you want to help out y...